Charlie Nama grew up in Smithers, British Columbia Canada and in his early years he worked in sawmill construction as a logger. A few years later he left that job to become an automobile salesperson with his step-father in Northern British Columbia where he became a top salesperson and excelled very quickly. By the time he was 28, Charlie became the manager of the largest car dealership in Northern BC. He was also their top salesperson and had a full chapter written on him in a book wrote by Paul Jenkins called “Finding and Keeping Good People”.

As an entrepreneur Charlie decided to leave that dealership so he could get out on his own and open up a truck exporting business. It became the largest business of its kind, at the time, in Canada. He also used his knowledge to learn some of the aspects pertaining to oil and gas technology.

One of Charlie’s favourite things to do right from a child and a passion of his has always been hockey. At one time he played for the Moricetown Canyon Bears, an all native hockey team in BC. He also loved boxing so in Prince Rupert, BC he trained with his friend and coach Dick St. Louis.

Later on in life, Charlie moved to Sarnia, Ontario Canada, so he could be near his young daughter, take part in her life and teach her his many life skills. He has continued to be an entrepreneur and has had his hand in a few businesses, teaching them what it takes to be a well-rounded business person. In 2006 Charlie financed his first Hockey Enforcers Fight in Prince George, BC and that leads him to where he is now, CEO of Ice Wars International.

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